Credit Application
Registered Business Name | |
Business Address | |
Principle line of Business | |
Date Business Started | |
Business Telephone (with area code) | |
Business Fax (with area code) | |
E-mail Address | |
Credit Applied for (amount) | |
PST # | |
GST # | |
Federal ID# | |
Name of owner/proprietor (First) | |
Position Held | |
Address | |
Telephone (with area code) | |
Fax (with area code) | |
Social Insurance Number | |
Name of owner/proprietor (Second) | |
Position Held | |
Address | |
Telephone (with area code) | |
Fax (with area code) | |
Social Insurance Number | |
Trade References ( Please detail below the names of three trade references) | |
Name | |
Address | |
Telephone (with area code) | |
Fax (with area code) |
Name | |
Address | |
Telephone (with area code) | |
Fax (with area code) | |
Name | |
Address | |
Telephone (with area code) | |
Fax (with area code) | |
Bank details | |
Name of Bank | |
Account # | |
Name of Contact Person | |
Telephone (with area code) | |
Fax (with area code) | |
Address | |
Details of Credit Card | |
Type of Credit Card | Visa MasterCard |
Card # | |
Valid Until | |
Terms of Payment | |
accounts are due on a fifteen day basis. Overdue accounts will be subject
to a service charge of 1.5% per month. (18% per annum).
I hereby certify the above information to be correct and authorize Country Line Inc. to obtain such credit information as necessary in connection with the establishment and maintenance of a credit account or for any other direct business requirement. This consent is given pursuant to section 12 of the credit reporting Act, R.S.R.C. 1979, Chapter 78. Financial Statement attached. |
Customer Signature |
Position of signee |
You can download this document in the following format: PDF CreditApplication.pdf